About Me

Photography Services based in Rochester, NY.

My name is Anthony Sebastian. I am a Rochester, NY native, and have spent the majority of my life living in, working in, and doing life around the Rochester, NY region. I reside on the Westside of Rochester with my wife & 5 children.

The goal of A Sebastian Photography is to provide you, and your loved ones, visual memories that will last a lifetime. I started in photography as a way to freeze moments in time for myself. Watching my kids run, play, and grow, it was too easy to get wrapped up in the craziness of it all, that I forgot to enjoy the fleeting moments as they happened. I wanted to capture these moments for myself, my wife, and for my kids to show their kids when they are grown.

To me, Photography is a way to capture the important moments in time. I take a lifestyle approach to my photos to capture the in-between moments, the secrets, the times when you are just being you. Being a father I know those little in-between moments, when I'm not trying to pose people, are when my kids are their most natural. For Weddings, its those moments when the genuine smiles reveal themselves, as well as those moments when the couples interact in a natural way that can't be "posed." I strive to create an atmosphere of "in-between" moments to get the photos that bring out the life in you and your family, and capture the memories that will be passed on through generations.

For more information on using my photography services, please visit the Contact Page. I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you for stopping by!